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This office was founded in January 1947, subject to the Taipei City Government. It was also supervised by the Finance Bureau of Taiwan Provincial Government and authorized to be responsible for national, provincial, and city taxation. On July 1, 1967, Taipei officially became a municipal city. While national taxation includes Business Income Tax, Individual Income Tax, Inheritance Tax, Gift Tax, Commodity Tax, and Securities Transaction Tax and the institute in charge of collection is the National Taxation Bureau of Taipei (hereinafter referred to as ‘NTBT’), Ministry of Finance, local taxation, on the other hand, includes Business Tax, Land Value Tax, Agricultural Land Tax, Land Value Increment Tax, House Tax, Deed Tax, Vehicle License Tax, Stamp Tax, and Amusement Tax, all of which are handled by the Taipei City Revenue Service (hereinafter referred to as ‘TRS’), subject to the Dept. of Finance, Taipei City Government. Worth mentioning is that Business Tax became part of national taxation on July 1, 1999, with TRS collecting it on behalf of NTBT until December 31, 2002.